Daasebre Nana Osei Bonsu II, known in private life as Saint Oswald Gyimah-Kessie (born 31 December 1939) was in 1999 the regent of the Ashanti Kingdom in Ghana, and is the Mamponghene (Chief of the Ashante-Mampong Area), of the Beretuo clan.[1]
He was educated at Prempeh College and the University of Ghana, where he graduated in 172 with a BA in Economics, Political Science and Modern History.[2] He became the Registrar of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 1991.[2]
As Chairman of the Energy Commission, Nana Osei Bonsu II attracted criticism in 2005 over Commission funds which were used to buy new cars for himself and the Commission's Secretary, Kofi Asante.[3]